
Doughnut Mathew

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The stop motion helped me understand the different steps needed to make doughnuts. Of course, the ingredients were not measured out. The cookbook that was used was in a foreign language. The finished doughnuts looked nothing like the ones in the cookbook. The music was lively and kept your attention.

#3 Western Spaghetti (Steven)

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The Western Spaghetti stop motion was very unique and i like the fact that all of the food ingredients that were used to make the spaghetti were inedible objects. How the stop motion of the progression of the spaghetti is really impressive, it really shows how you would really make spaghetti that you would eat of course. Music was not really needed for this stop motion, only the sound effects of the food being made was enough; showed a lot of realism and i truly enjoyed that by the end of the video it showed the spaghetti ready to eat with some wine and a candle in the side of the plate. The only thing I would change from this video is if the guy would have taking a little more time in some of the ingredients; just to have a little more realism. but overall the video was very well made.

T-shirt war (Nathalie)

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I really liked the t-shirt war and it was comedic in a lot of areas. The two people who were in the video had shirts on that would complement each other. They showed different things happening on the shirts with eggs, fires and switches. The music choice fit really well with what was going on even the different sounds that were added in. The ending was well done and there wasn’t anything really to change.

Pick a Number! Watch a Stop Motion Film

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Choose a number, copy and paste the link in your browser WATCH IT and write 5 sentences about it.

When you create your post, add the video to your post through

ADD MEDIA-> Insert from URL-> Insert into Post

Good questions to ask yourself:

  • DO YOU LIKE IT? If you didn’t, mention specifics.  If you did, mention specifics.
  • What do you think of the story line?
  • Good music choice?
  • Whats your favorite part?
  • What would you change?


1. http://youtu.be/sOMFod_Qnhg

2. http://youtu.be/Mx_mpuhyYts

3. http://youtu.be/qBjLW5_dGAM

4. http://youtu.be/2_HXUhShhmY

5. http://youtu.be/Ovvk7T8QUIU

6. http://youtu.be/DKWdSCt4jGE

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwX7uEiEWx4

8. http://vimeo.com/31939621

9. http://vimeo.com/29805315

11. http://vimeo.com/peteyboy/ballpointbarber

12. http://vimeo.com/4516297

13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOu0DuxFAT0

14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3D0JvYJkGc

15.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0rgZAnYObY



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When we first got this project, I had no idea what I was  going to do. A fish gif was the first thing that popped into my head, and that is what I stuck with. Making the gif was quite simple, most of the objects just had to be moved slightly over to do the individual slides. The only parts that were constantly moving was the fish tail, but everything else was simple. Making the gif was pretty fun!

Nicks GIF

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Nicks GIF


Epicyclic Gearing

Steven Gif

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I was really inspired by flash games and how the animation is created, I wanted that same type of animation in my gif and make it look like a game. I’ve seen something like this in a flash game about warriros and how you were one of them and you had to choose how you would take care of dangerous situations, that is the main idea of the GIF.

Michael Jaramillo Gif

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I was inspired by a scene in the movie Matrix, where Neo dodges Mr. Smith’s bullets in slow motion. The way those bullets passed over Neo’s face had me astonished. So I decided to reenact this scene by making a GIF. I hope you enjoy this stick figure version of the Matrix.      

Mathew GIF

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I made a GIF during graphic design class. Creating the GIF was an easy task that took almost no time for me to create. My GIF involves a black background and a red ball. This ball is supposed to fall and bounce off the floor off the page. I came up with this idea when I was bouncing a ball off the ground. Then I lost my ball just like a ball bouncing out of a page.
