Joel George GIF

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The reason why I made this gif was to show my true love for the game of pong, I had always loved playing tennis but the simple mini game, arcade game of pong made it always fun to play. It is not fun playing along because after a while you can beat the computer 80-0 but if you play with a friend you will have a real challenge.


danny gif

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I chose to do a ghost is because it is a nice piece of art that come from my favorite video game call of duty ghost symbol and also at the end of gif I added a funny ending I think everyone would like.

Arthur Martinez GIF

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This is a egg that his been dropped on  the floor. The floor is made out of metal in the GIF. The egg is rotten and the egg has a yellowish color to it. The egg is from a ostrich ;however, the egg is bigger than most  of the other ostrich eggs.

Nathalie GIF

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I really like polka dots so I decided to incorporate it into this project. I also wanted to put in different colors to see how they would come together in this GIF. Also I wanted to give it a retro type of feeling and see how that would work out. In the end I put the two together to create this GIF.

Gif By: Aryanna Arce

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My biggest inspiration for these Gif was because recently I’ve been seeing multiple ads about music festivals and a lot of the music at the music festivals are dubstep, house music, and techno. The 3 types of music I mentioned are very fun and upbeat and all the ads for these types of music’s include many colors, swirls, and fun spirals.



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I chose to do Live Laugh and Love. It has an interesting concept that can be applied to different people’s lifestyle and choices. It shows how people should go among their lives. live for the moment. Laugh every moment. Love endlessly.


Plain Life (Carlos Espinel)

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Plain Life (Carlos Espinel)

This GIF is about a man who had a simple life. Nothing special. Everything was plain. He decided to put something different to his regular life and he did.

Sample Gifs

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banana dream


GIFs by Miss Alamilla

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Hello Class!

Welcome to our new project: Creating a GIF (graphic interchange format)

This will be a fun project where you create your own animation!

***This project will not be graded unless it is uploaded to the blog along with a little synopsis of your inspiration/why you created it. ***

On this post assignment, I want you to upload your original GIF and write a little bit about it.  For example…..

I decided to create a GIF based on Broadway marquees and NYC. Broadway takes place in the wonderful city of New York. I played a bit with different fonts which remind me of NYC, I used three fonts: Chalkduster, Bellerose and Gill Sans Ultra Bold. These three fonts are good for this GIF because the chalkduster font reminds me of the streets of NYC, Bellerose: reminds me of the 1920’s/flapper period which always leads me to think of New York in that time period. And last but not least,  I chose Gill Sans because I needed a font that was bold had big letters that would fit the “light bulbs” within the letters. So the word itself would be a  marquee.


***This project will not be graded unless it is uploaded to the blog along with a little synopsis of your inspiration/why you created it.***

Miss Alamilla


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Hey Students, 

I realize it may not be so obvious as to how to leave a comment. What you do is….CLICK on the title of your post (name: Tell me what you think), scroll to the bottom and there should be a section that says LEAVE A REPLY. Voila!



Miss Alamilla